One show filmimg

The museum was pleased to welcome the One Show to the museum on Saturday (23rd January). The One Show were in town to film local people sing the them tune. Tune in on Wednesday January 27 from 7pm.

For more pictures follow the link.

Bye...come back soon

Our wonderful Jones`s van has left it`s home at the Charles Burrell Museum to go to Fords Heritage Division in Essex. Work is to be done on the engine by Fords. We hope she will be back on display when we reopen on February 27th 2016.Very special thanks to the team at the Charles Burrell for helping us with her care.

Thanks to Allan Measom for the photographs.

Sink Hole


         You may have read in news reports that a sinkhole has appeared in the road outside the museum. It is being repaired and has not effected the museum being open as normal. The museum will be open this Tuesday October 27th and Saturday October 31st.


Film day at the museum

The museum was delighted to welcome Norman Newboult to the museum on October 10th. He came to the museum with some of his wonderful collection of 1940s projectors and films. They were on show all day in the bunker room. Norman will be at the museum again next year.