Home Guard Talks

On Saturday May 9th we were pleased to welcome Neil Storey to the museum who gave two very entertaining talks about the Home Guard. We hope to have more events like this later in the year.

Read on to see some pictures.

Thank you Sainsbury`s

Thank you Sainsbury`s.
The Captain was out and about on Sunday morning (8th March) to receive a donation of two mobile phones (what are they I hear you say) for use in the museum and on walking tours. Thank you Sainsbury`s.



Pamela Cundell


The museum was sad to hear the news on Saturday of the death of Pamela Cundell who played Mrs Fox. Pamela came to Thetford in 2010 for the unveiling of the statue and we met her last year at the Bill Pertwee memorial. Our thoughts are with he family.





A frosty captain

It is very cold out there but the captain still sits there looking out over Walmington on Sea. The museum may be closed for the winter break but you can still visit the statue.

There are some more pictures below.